Yes, it’s real and it’s in Transylvania

00 With my castle concepts still suffering from a lack of creepiness, I took to Google today and cast the net outside of Germany for inspiration. And hit the jackpot. This place is called Corvin Castle and is in Transylvania (a part of Romania). When I saw the photo below, I thought initially that it […]

Schloss Schwartzer

00 A lot of to and fro with Greg today (both of us bored shitless at work it seems), and I think I’ve got a handle on what he’s after with the castle… more perilousness please. So here’s my lunchtime sketch (yay, I got my scanner working with my laptop) of the Eingangstor (entrance gate):

Proposed table layout

00 The two sketches attached show my first cut of the table layout based on Greg’s notes. The castle runs along half of the long table edge, but only in about 200mm (or 8″ for you non-metricated folk). It’s enough to give the impression of a castle without taking up too much of the table […]

A new theme arises

00 I just uploaded the mighty fine-looking theme “Pixeled” available on the WordPress site. Remarkably easy to install – just copy it to the right spot and you’re done! Impressive. Although after playing with phpBB for many years I am surprised at how much is hard-coded into the style, so you do need to have […]

Jurassic Reich – a Weird War II game

00 I have been asked by Nic Robson and Greg Hallam of Eureka Miniatures ( ) to build a terrain table for a demo game at next year’s Little Wars convention in Melbourne. I was there last year and had a wonderful time playing Pax Limpopo on a Victorian London-themed table I brought over. […]

Incursion 3D table underway

00 I have commenced a 3D table for a board game called Incursion from Grindhouse Games – – it’s a tabletop miniatures game similar in concept to the classic Space Hulk, but based in the Secrets of the Third Reich world, with zombies, GIs in power armour and Nazi frauleinen in ‘combat lingerie.’ The […]