Jurassic Reich – a Weird War II game

I have been asked by Nic Robson and Greg Hallam of Eureka Miniatures ( www.eurekamin.com.au ) to build a terrain table for a demo game at next year’s Little Wars convention in Melbourne. I was there last year and had a wonderful time playing Pax Limpopo on a Victorian London-themed table I brought over.

This time, the idea is for a gang of hardened GIs to fight against dinosaur-riding Nazis and rescue a maiden (Ginger Snaps) from a castle where she is being held captive. I have no idea what ruleset will be used, but knowing Greg it will be hilarious and a lot of fun. The figures used will be from Eureka’s new ‘Pulpitations’ range sculpted by Kostas Heristanidis.

The initial design for the table: It will be 6′ x 4′ and have a ridge running along one long table edge. Perched on the top of the ridge overlooking the peaceful valley below is a dark and brooding German castle. In the valley will be a small village and the whole thing will be snow clad and postcard-esque.

I plan on making the table in such a way that I can remove pieces and rearrange the scene without it being tied to one genre or scenario, so the castle walls will be removable, the village too, all the trees will be modular, and so on.

I will actually use some of the stuff I’ve done for Incursion too so both projects will benefit from this. Work starts tonight!