Session 03 – Dawn over Merridale Falls

00 The Howling The shutters were closed and barred, and the doors were boarded up. Kamiran kin Margen, one of the tavern’s owners, kept a silent vigil by the fireside while the guests filed out of the common room. The Red Rock Tavern was locked up for the night. Corvis, Perris, Thuramarsh and Samira climbed […]

Session 02 – At the Red Rock

00 After two game sessions at The Lost Dice, we decided to try the facilities at Tabletop Warfare on Prospect Road for our third gathering. They have some rooms put aside for roleplaying games and the promise was that they would be quieter since we were able to actually shut the door! The rooms were […]

Session 01 – The Road to Merridale

+10 Seven of us gathered at the Lost Dice in Adelaide to play our first full session in the adventure A Shadow Over Morndale. Session 0 had gone well and we were all keen to pick up the dice again soon after, but real life got in the way and it took me longer than […]

Session 00 – A Shadow Over Morndale

+40 My journeys across Saedyr seem to have come to a close, sadly. But on the bright side, I’ve started a brand new campaign as the DM with a new group of friends, this time set in the Forgotten Realms (well, my version of it). It’s my first foray into ‘high fantasy’ since all my […]

Tales of the Songbird – An Interlude

00 At the Broken Door tavern… The common room was abuzz with anticipation as the crowd waited impatiently for the entertainment to commence. Bills had been posted on every flat surface from one side of Asteria to the other announcing that Rossglum of Wyldflock was performing “The Spoils of War” this night at the Broken […]

The One Ring

00 No, not my old website – a role playing game set in Middle-earth during the latter years of the Third Age. The 1st edition of the game came out around 2010 and I completely missed the boat. While I saw it on the shelves of my FLGS, I figured I’d never find anyone to […]

Tales of the Songbird – ep-04

+20 All song and all dance, at once interrupted. A blood curse perchance, with beauty corrupted And struck down in need, the City of Light Now pleads for brave deeds to end this foul blight. Things that go bump Evening was approaching as the heroes stepped out from the alley. Before them spread the vast […]

Tales of the Songbird – ep-03

+10 A foul plot is hatched, with deep threads a-weaving, The poor folk are missing, their loved ones a-grieving. The fountains and statues all covered in slime And rank-smelling barnacles crusty with rime. The heroes alight at Asteria’s gate But its sights and delights will just have to wait. There are strange things afoot… The […]

The Breaking Storm (Session 0)

+10 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… The starfield shifts downwards to reveal a frozen world lit by a distant red star. The blue haze of atmosphere is visible along the curvature of the world and enormous swirling storm clouds can been seen in the skies below. A large ship tumbles […]

Star Wars RPG – Background

+10 I have been looking for a simple, yet well-designed science-fiction role playing game for many years – one that supports a story-telling style of play and isn’t too heavy on rules. I have looked at a number – Traveller (in all its incarnations), FFG’s Star Wars, Elite Dangerous RPG, Alternity, Firefly RPG, The Expanse […]