A pirate’s wife for me (pt 2)

00 It’s been a month or so since I updated my progress on the pirate island for Strange Seas. I’ve been working on it (and other things), but I never seem to be near my camera for some reason. Ho hum, (“oh well, what the hell” to quote Joseph Heller). Here’s a few shots of […]

Yo ho, yo ho, a Pirate’s wife for me.

00 I picked up the ‘Battleframe 5000’ box on Wednesday and unpacked it. For a 4 x 6 table, there are over 200 pieces of timber inside the box and around that number of magnets too, all for about $170AU. When you look at what you have and the flexibility it provides, it’s not bad […]

I love the smell of burning MDF in the morning.

00 I went out to the Back2Base-IX workshops today and had a really great chat with the guys out there. I meant to just drop in and grab some stuff, but I was there for over an hour and talked to them about all sorts of things, including their long-term plans for the future and […]

Head in the sand

00 I finished off the second of the four objective markers the other day, as well as doing another palm tree. I finally got around to photographing them today. I go out to Back2Base-IX tomorrow to pick up the base boards, woo hoo! So I’ll be up to my eyeballs in terrain modules for the […]

Spending time with fronds

00 Decent looking palm trees in 28mm scale are difficult to come by. The stuff they sell in model railway stores is generally over-priced, too small, and not especially accurate. And is not really robust enough to withstand heavy gaming use anyway, so I decided to try to make my own. I took several strands […]

A knife in the dark

00 For many years, I have been meaning to build a hilltop for my model of Weathertop, but just never got around to it. Like most projects of mine, they remain almost finished yet abandoned, for many years. So I found enough 75mm high density styrofoam to build a decent sized hill and set about […]

Another objective achieved

00 Updates are coming along thick and fast now (heh, won’t last). Here’s another objective marker – an abandoned campfire, in the lee of an ancient moss-covered ruin. The ruins are made from offcuts of blue foam, painted with a variety of greys and sand colours. The moss is a blend of two or three […]

WIP Toltec Statue

00 Another objective marker under construction – this time it’s a Toltec statue half buried in the sand. The piece is semi-painted because Iwanted to see how well the detail shows up before I went too far. I was happy with it.

Strange Seas

00 In the lead up to the Bugle Call 2011 in April, I am building a terrain table that will be used for the game Strange Seas, being put on by Andrew and Greg – friends of mine from Victoria. The island will be populated with a number of hazards that the pirate captains have […]

The Bugle Call

00 This year, I am running a wargaming convention over the Easter long weekend. I was involved in helping with organising last year’s event, but this year I have taken on the role of coordinator and chairman of the committee. The event is called the Bugle Call and is focusing on historical wargaming mostly, although […]