“A Bastard of a Place”

00 2017 marks the 75th anniversary of the Kokoda Campaign through the highlands of New Guinea, where the Imperial Japanese Army sought to capture Port Moresby and use it as a forward operational base to isolate Australia from its ally, the United States. An under-prepared force of Australian and Papuan troops was tasked with repelling […]

Mad Maximilian

00 My friends at Eureka Miniatures recently sent me a few photos of models from their upcoming range “Mad Maximilian” – a 1930s post-apocalyptic world where anarchistic gangs use hotted-up roadsters to battle across the harsh outback of Australia. Sounds vaguely familiar, but I can’t quite put my finger on why. The photos were of […]

Ridotta Capuzzo (Fort Capuzzo, Libya)

00 Within a few days of Italy declaring war on Britain in 1940, British forces attacked a number of forts along the Egyptian/Libyan border. RAF Gladiators and Blenheims provided support as the 7th Hussars and elements of the 1st RTR captured Fort Capuzzo near the town of Sullum, just inside the Libyan border. Over the […]

Tabletop World – stunning stuff

00 For a couple of years, I have been eyeing up the model buildings from Tabletop World (clicky linky thing) and trying to decide whether I should buy some or not. If you haven’t seen their work before, then I strongly suggest you take a look – it’s simply gorgeous. A little while ago I […]

Chain of Command

00 “You know what the ‘Chain of Command’ is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with ’til ya understand who’s in ruttin’ command here.” – Jayne, Firefly Well, ok, wrong genre, but it’s still a great quote. Today though, I’m talking about my (current) favourite WWII ruleset – “Chain of Command” from […]

Naval Gazing

00 I spent an enjoyable evening pushing tiny ships around last night with a group of friends. We played a heavily modified version of the Trafalgar rules with 1:600 scale ships. Pete and I were the indefatigable British commanders and Stu and Dave proudly flew the Tri-colour for La Belle France. Each of us rolled […]


00 The players start the game on board a Roman corbita, making their way across the Sea of Atlante to Ys, the chief city in the Duchy of Gwaelodd. The ship is slow and heavy with cargo destined for the markets of Hybras; a ripe target for the Irish coastal raiders that hunt these waters. […]

A sort of homecoming

00 Earlier this year I ran a 4th Edition D&D session with members of my family and it was great fun. This was the first time since the mid 1980s that I had played the game and it rekindled the flame of enthusiasm for role playing games within me. My origins with D&D date right […]

Cutting wood now…

+10 After extensive research touring the hamlets and villages of Yorkshire (via Google Street View), I’ve come up with a design that I feel meets all of the criteria for Malton’s Angel Inn (see my previous posts). I started by using SketchUp as the key step in the design process. It is a very easy-to-use […]

Ey Up (part 3)

00 I just received a model of the ‘Velocitas’ in the post today from my good friends at Eureka Miniatures. I have to say, this is the oddest vehicle I’ve ever seen. Only Eureka would ever dream of producing such a model and I take my hat off to them for their initiative, their adventurous […]