On the road (almost)

The castle is packed in the boot and the table is assembled ready for strapping to the roof of the car. It’s finished* – with about 2 hours to spare! The road trip starts at 7:30am tomorrow and I should reach Ballarat around 3:00pm where I’ll be stopping for the night and then driving on […]

Minis for JR

A recent reconnaissance flight over Nazi-occupied France captured an image that immediately sparked interest amongst the Allied High Command. The following document is considered “Most Secret.” Check out the dossier compiled by our man in the field for more photographs: Jurassic Reich Blog

Time is running short, but I’ll make it…

The big day is drawing near (a week and a half to go), but the castle is taking shape very nicely now. I’ve finished sculpting the cliffs and there’s very little actual construction that needs to happen now – it’s just the remaining painting that needs to be done and filling in some gaps here […]

Full steam ahead and damn the torpedoes

Time is running out to get this done in time, so I switched into “Full Panic Mode” and drew up a project plan listing all of the tasks I had remaining and an estimate of the time I need to complete each one. I then worked out how much I can work on this each […]

Another update

Work is progressing at a pace now that panic has set in. I have almost finished the farmyard, just need to do some windows and doors and finish off the thatching on the small shed. The dino lager is my project to complete over Easter, and by then I should also have a substantial amount […]

Farmville pays off

So after extensive experience at virtual farming, I thought I’d take up hobby farming instead. The construction is still underway at the moment – I need to do one building, finish painting the farmhouse and do its windows, as well as detailing the ground cover and other bits and pieces – but it’s almost there. […]

Terra-forming in Progress, pedestrians please use other path.

I’ve got the basic landforms done now and I’m just covering the foam with polyfilla and building up the cliff faces bit by bit. It’s coming along pretty well, but i am behind schedule and am starting to look for places where I can take short cuts to save time. As usual with me, nothing […]

Atomic Sunset

The blinding light of an atomic blast fills the skies over New Mexico. The intense heat from the blast instantly vaporizes everything within a one mile radius. A deadly cloud of radiation falls over the land causing most living things to sicken and die an agonizing death. But some creatures survive, mutated by the atomic […]

A Pterasaur’s Eye View

I bought the base for the game table today and thought it might be a good idea to spread out all of the terrain pieces on it – to get a feel for their placement in the landscape. It brought home just how much work I still have to do on this to be finished […]

Jurassic Reich has a “metal tail”

“Metal Tail” It’s a (somewhat cynical) term I have heard used by staff of a large gaming company to describe a range of models that supports a ruleset. The metal tail in this case is quite literal however. I went away on a vacation for a few days before Christmas and when I returned, I […]