Jurassic Reich Covers

00 It’s been a while since I updated my blog so here’s where things are at on Planet Spodding. The Jurassic Reich sourcebook is a definite go, hopefully finished in time for Historicon 2011. Work is in progress at the moment writing the text, setting up scenic materials for photography and painting minis suitable for […]

Jurassic Reich – Triceratops

00 I bought a kids plastic toy the other day with a view to converting it to a self-propelled gun for Jurassic Reich. It’s a triceratops from a German company called Schleich. They make some nice models and the sculpting on this one is pretty decent, even if the paint job isn’t. I undercoated it […]

Jurassic Reich sourcebook

00 We’ve begun working on the official sourcebook for Jurassic Reich – a mammoth task of sifting through dusty government archives, declassified intelligence reports, personal memoires, and even Himmler’s underwear drawer. This painstaking research has uncovered definite proof of the existence of the Dinotruppen – the Kriegsclaws and Pterawaffe deployed by Nazi Germany in the […]

Man! What a weekend!

00 I have just spent almost the entire weekend trying to upgrade the One Ring to use phpBB3. What a nightmare! The new forum software provides a very good conversion utility that seems to work extremely well, except for one fatal flaw – it is so memory and cpu-intensive that it would drag our server’s […]

More photos of Jurassic Reich

00 I just received some photos from Nic and John at Eureka Miniatures of the table setup for the Jurassic Reich game at Little Wars back in May. These are much better shots than I could achieve and so, with their permission, I’ve posted them here for all to see. I’m really pleased with the […]

And more from Little Wars

00 Just took these off my camera – apologies for the delay. I was somewhat busy on the day itself and so didn’t get around to as many of the tables as i would have liked. I really wanted to chat with the fellow who brought in the Lord of the Rings table – his […]

An ending of sorts…

00 The big day has come and gone. The dice have stopped rolling and the tables have been packed away for another year. This year’s Little Wars was everything I had hoped and expected it to be – packed with people exploring new games, having fun, rolling dice and coming away with a swag-load of […]

On the road (almost)

00 The castle is packed in the boot and the table is assembled ready for strapping to the roof of the car. It’s finished* – with about 2 hours to spare! The road trip starts at 7:30am tomorrow and I should reach Ballarat around 3:00pm where I’ll be stopping for the night and then driving […]

Minis for JR

00 A recent reconnaissance flight over Nazi-occupied France captured an image that immediately sparked interest amongst the Allied High Command. The following document is considered “Most Secret.” Check out the dossier compiled by our man in the field for more photographs: Jurassic Reich Blog

Time is running short, but I’ll make it…

00 The big day is drawing near (a week and a half to go), but the castle is taking shape very nicely now. I’ve finished sculpting the cliffs and there’s very little actual construction that needs to happen now – it’s just the remaining painting that needs to be done and filling in some gaps […]